Is milk cheapest in Finland, Latvia or UK?

Today, we are comparing the price of cow’s milk in Finland, Latvia, and the United Kingdom. All prices are for a standard 1-litre pack of milk with 3.5–3.7% fat content, with no discounts applied. To ensure accuracy, the prices were obtained from one of the largest online grocery stores in each country: ‘kRuoka’ in Finland, ‘Rimi’ in Latvia, and ‘Tesco’ in the United Kingdom.

1-litre pack of milk price in Finland is 1.29 EUR:

1-litre pack of milk price in Latvia is 0.99 EUR:

The price of milk in the United Kingdom is for a 2-pint pack (approximately 1.13 litres, as the Brits use pints), costing £1.20, which works out to £1.06 per litre. At today’s official exchange rate, that equals 1.27 EUR per litre:

As we can see, the price of milk in Finland is the highest compared to Latvia and the United Kingdom. But what about wages? Could the higher prices be due to higher wages in Finland? According to Wikipedia, the average net wage in Q2 2024 was: 1,213 EUR in Latvia, 2,834 EUR in Finland, and £2,220 (equivalent to 2,668 EUR) in the UK.

If we calculate how many litres of milk a person can buy with the average wage in each country, the results are as follows:

  1. Finland: 2,197;
  2. United Kingdom: 2,100;
  3. Latvia: 1,225.

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